Re-creo is a property development company with both and in-house architectural studio and a construction arm that focuses on the acquisition and development of complex, urban sites with our investor partners, for local communities. We have over 40 years’ experience of property development and have built a team that brings a wide range of complementary skills from architecture to construction management, feasibility assessment to planning expertise and cost management. Typically, the urban sites that we acquire face complex design issues and demanding planning constraints. We resolve these by combining our deep understanding of the planning process with high quality, imaginative design solutions. Each year Re-creo analyses many residential and mixed-use schemes of different types and sizes: assessing their commercial viability and pursuing the best options. From mixed-use inner-city regeneration projects to large residential suburban developments, we chart a creative path to property value.
195-199 Gray's Inn Road, London, WC1X 8UL