From streets to square feet, thriving neighbourhoods are sewn together, not thrown together. Our design process encompasses the relationships people have with buildings, spaces and each other. Taking a broader approach not only leads to strong physical connections, through massing and form, it also fosters strong emotional connections with the community. Joining everything up does, however, necessitate a different architectural mindset. Local neighbourhoods, by their very nature, involve many stakeholders, and accommodating every point of view can lead to numerous compromises. The best schemes, we believe, are those that reach consensus by shaping an overarching vision, which the whole community will support. Rather than begin with design concepts, we start with the best overall experience and then work back to the architecture needed to deliver it. For us, design should create an experience that delights and improves the lives of everyone. We believe the only way to do this is with a joined up approach. By walking the streets, by living social value, by serving the greater good our mission is to help create the thriving neighbourhoods of the future. Neighbourhoods that everyone can be proud of.
44 Charlotte Street, London, W1T 2NR