We specialise in high quality architectural solutions and believe in design quality throughout the design process. We consciously work on differing building types of varying scales. That diversity has provided the practice with a deep understanding of the building process including a thorough understanding of legislative and technical requirements, and the need to mediate between the imaginative and the prosaic. Our skills lie in our ability to rigorously research, explore, develop and visualise our proposals. We take care to develop our designs in collaboration with our clients, stakeholders and fellow consultants, and ensure that we communicate our ideas in the most appropriate manner to capture the essence of our ideas. While we use the latest design and modelling technology, we are also renowned for our freehand drawing skills. As our designs progress, the detail is developed, innovating where appropriate and taking on board industry best practice. We endeavour to ensure that the original aspirations and drivers for the project are realised and developed within the completed building.
1 Times Court, Retreat Road, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1AF