Analyze Job Descriptions With A Word Cloud

Job Description Word Cloud Analysis Tool

Keywords are important

If you are out there applying for roles through online applications, or creating a covering letter and introductory email or optimizing your LinkedIn profile so that it shows up in the right searches from recruiters – this should not be news.

Keywords in your Introductory Email or Covering Letter:

If you are applying online, it is important that in your initial email several key words jump out at the reader. Unlike many other industries, the creative sector does not use ATS machines to scan your CV and portfolio, so you do not need to worry about machines overlooking your work – but it is not uncommon for secretaries and office managers to be in charge of gathering relevant applications, so it is important they know what they are looking for by using keywords which are relevant to the job opening.

How Do I Figure Out the Most Important Keywords?

Here’s one incredibly simple technique that our team uses: make a word cloud using our tool here:

Here’s What to Do:

Assuming you’re targeting similar types of roles, gather up 2-4 job descriptions that exemplify the type of position or the exact ones you are most interested in. I typically drop all of the descriptions into one Word or Text file and then copy them to a new text box within whichever word cloud generator I desire. Voila!