SALINE – Il Palazzo di Benessere by Natalia Piórecka

Futuristic modern architecture over water with dramatic sky and reflective surface.

Natalia Piórecka is a Part 1 Architectural Assistant in London. She is a graduate from Newcastle University with the First Class Honours. She is currently continuing on building up her experience at Medical Architecture. As a young designer, she is very passionate about the field of Biodesign looking at the intersection of the design and biology within Architecture and Industrial Design.

Natalia’s graduation project is a Salt Treatment Centre in Venice. The project called “SALINE – Il Palazzo di Benessere” (eng. Palace of Salt and Wellness) is a celebration of Salt, historically known in Venice as a “white gold”. Though the means of Experimental Architecture, scientific research and prototypes the proposal reimagines the role of the problematic for the construction salt, into the main feature integrated within the programme and building design.


The proposal strongly aims to provide a development that carefully examines context, specific location, history and conditions of the site. It implements the research of the daylight along with the study of natural properties of salt, processes as crystallization, precipitation or salt farming as main drivers for the design. The final design. Salt Treatment Centre, focus on improving the local wellness, strengthening Venetian fading identity and improving the quality of living.


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