When you are job seeking, it is important to be organised. The best way to be organised and keep track of applications is by using an Excel or Airtable Database to keep track of all the jobs and companies you apply for. This will make the whole process easier to navigate
I prefer Airtable as you can see companies by location on the map, as well as the easy to use interface – it is free to use as well!
I have made a template which will hopefully get you started, feel free to use it and adapt to suit you. Over time I will update this template – as of right now you can organise companies, jobs and track applications in a KANBAN view.
Here are some examples of the Job Application Tracking System here in action:
Companies (Gallery view):
Companies (Grid view):
Jobs (List View)
Tracking Applications (Kadban view):
[To access this template and join Airtable for free (and supporting
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