“Diamond Factory” by Katarzyna Soltysiak

Vibrant diorama with airplane, industrial structures, human figures, and butterfly on wooden base.

Katarzyna Soltysiak is currently a Part II Architectural Assistant seeking employment opportunities and research projects in London.

Having graduated from University of Brighton with 2.1 she followed a Part I training in London (with Cove Burgess Architects) and a masters degree at TU Delft which she completed with a distinction.

She has now nearly 3 years of experience from the UK, The Netherlands and Poland. Her main interest involves circular economy and social sustainability.

The images are snapshots from Kat’s graduation project at TU Delft, “Diamond Factory”. In this 2050 scenario the private sector takes over newly created pollution market. Excess CO2 from aviation industry is used to produce diamonds.

The gems become increasingly cheaper as the volume of pollution rises over the time. The project remains a critique of greenwashing practices but also explores limits of circular economy.
